
Systemic Constellations in Leiden

Start dates
16 March 2024
6 hours
Price from
Systemic Constellations in Leiden

Imagine discovering new ways of being

Engage in a supportive environment, share your reflections, and discover new ways of being.

Is something getting in your way, feeling stuck or lacks clarity about how to move forward? Is it  time to make a break-through?

Come and transform an area of life that’s important to you, bringing your curious mind and heart. Whether you want to explore personal or professional topics, or grow your entrepreneurial dreams, this workshop will bring fresh insights.

  • A safe and professionally-facilitated space in the centre of Leiden
  • A pop-up community that invites nature to be a compass for growth.
  • Explore what you need, support what the group needs.
  • Fresh insights and renewed energy for your topic.
  • Clear next steps and a plan of action
Workshop details

Location: The Field, the Pavilion, Stationsplein 25, 2312 AJ Leiden, Netherlands

Price €199 per person

Includes delicious lunch and refreshments plus a one-to-one intake conversation. We like to make our workshops accessible to all, concessionary prices are available, please ask.

Participant numbers: our experience shows that keeping the group relatively small and intimate deepens the work. Maximum participant 15 participants.


Once you’ve booked or if you’re interested and want to find out more, we’ll schedule a 30-minute intake conversation to discuss the topic you’d like to work on (no cost, it’s included within the workshop price).


We start the workshop at 9:30 am, please feel welcome to join us for coffee from 9:00 am


We will provide a lovely lunch, enough to drink and snacks during the day (all meals vegetarian).

Please let us know if you have any further specific dietary needs.

We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Book here

Start dates

16 Mar 2024 View dates
Leiden, Netherlands
10 places
  • Date
    10:00 - 17:00
    Leiden, Netherlands

What can you expect?

We know from facilitating this systemic work over many years that what participants hold in their personal enquiries often resonates for others. Supporting another person’s situation helps transform your own. We welcome you into a friendly space to be curious about the topics that matter to you. What might you discover, what might we discover collectively?

Contact us
No prior experience is needed

Bring an open mind and heart

Embark on a transformative journey with our workshop, where you’ll explore your chosen topic through various processes like systemic work, Constellations, and drawing inspiration from Kolimbri’s Curiously Connected Cards.

Dive into themes like discovering passion, navigating collaborations playfully, creatively responding to tensions, exploring your relationship with money and work, and prioritising self-care. Join us for a concise yet impactful exploration of personal and professional growth.

We will be offering a combination of whole group work as well as explorations in smaller groups using constellations or other whole-system ways of getting insights into your topics. Everyone will get a chance to do personal work on their themes, and we encourage everyone to actively support others.


  • Prioritising self-care
  • Discovering your passion
  • Your relationship with money
  • Navigating playful collaborations
Book here
"Your facilitation was exquisite Marcos. I don´t think I have ever worked with someone who conveys such deep compassion and who holds a space quite so beautifully. Gentle spaciousness, acute perception and masterful direction. Thank you from deep within my heart.”
A Curiously Connected Card for this workshop


We consciously invite Nature as a Compass for Growth. In the process of designing this particular workshop, we chose (blind) one of our Curiously Connected Cards to inspire. The animal card that came was Mouse. As a result, this workshop’s subtitle is “Mouse and the adventures of your Heart.”

So, this workshop calls to your heart with Mouse’s message:

“My gift to you is careful attention to the details of everything that matters…”

What matters to your heart right now? Imagine joining us to explore new ways of being, seeing a situation through new eyes. Imagine fresh possibilities emerging where perhaps things have felt stuck or hard to resolve. Imagine coming away with insights from this workshop having released old energies to make space for fresh possibilities.

Mouse reminds us that details matter, and the details of your heart matters…

  • Nature as a Compass for Growth
  • Unlock your potential
About Mouse