
Sharing our story

About us, Love and respect for nature

Where it all started, love and respect for nature

The story of Kolimbri has its roots in many formative moments:

Niki is an entrepreneur in visual art as well as coach for young students and Marcos is a holistic therapist and coach. They both have a deep love and respect for nature, a desire to collaborate, to grow, learn and to be of service. Niki was often to be seen with a pencil in her hand as a young child – she absolutely loves to draw. And for as long as he can remember, Marco loves to be in nature and learn about animals. Niki and Marco first met in 2015 in Greece, their ancestral homeland; they fell in love and have been partners and worked together ever since.

Our Core Purpose

Reconnecting people to nature in a sustainable way

Our core purpose is to reintegrate spirituality, connectedness to nature and personal growth. We do this by enabling an ecosystem of people, skills and perspectives to discover the ways in which they’re going to change their worlds. Building a community that creates supportive and inclusive dialogue for individuals and organisations that share our values ​​of sustainability, innovation and a deep respect and love for nature. We encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing through events, workshops, and online platforms.

Curiously Connected Cards

Using cards for playfull discovery of deeper needs

Each card is based on a hand-drawn aquarelle painting or pencil drawing by Niki or Marco. 

They recalled their feelings about the animals from their dreams and observations in nature to inspire the drawings. During the many hours of illustrating, the essence of each animal invited more and more detail of self-expression.  


In the text that accompanies each animal, the “I Am…” statements are intended to inspire your sensing and intuitive processes. Feel free to approach the words as you would a poem, rather than hunting for the meaning; allow the words to wash over you.

Be curious about how you respond to the animal cards which deliberately show just the animal artwork without any wording.  Just allow space for you to react to the image and process it in your own way. 

Find out more
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.” Chief Seattle

Looking for personal growth We're here to help

Looking for personal growth with deep love and respect for nature?

The way we work

Sourcing sustainably

Kolimbri nature coaching

Sourcing sustainably

We have chosen to print Curiously Connected Cards using printers Drukkerij De Bij in the Netherlands. Furthermore they have a leading reputation for using sustainable paper, ink and renewable energy to power their print works.

Value our priciples

We could have printed the cards at a lower cost sourcing elsewhere. However cost price isn’t the only factor we’ve taken into consideration. We hope that as our valued customer you’ll chime with these values and support us in sourcing sustainably-produced products therefore we love collaborating with people and companies who value these principles.

More about the Kollective