23 april 2024

Dimitra Frangos, our new member at Kolimbri Kollective

Dimitra Frangos

We are super-happy and proud to share Dimitra Frangos is joining our Kolimbri Kollective!

Who am I?

My name is Dimitra Frangos. For years I have squirrelled away fabrics and treasures which others wanted to discard, knowing that one day they could be reinvented and revived. Alongside reviving pieces of upholstery and upcycling household items, my repurposing also helps reduce my carbon footprint. Guilt lingers when I consider my decades of consumption. I don’t, however, want to make my teenage son feel bleak about his future; I’d like to set an example of a life that impacts less on the environment and is still exciting and inspiring. We have both begun to value how a life surrounded by fewer but more meaningful objects allows us to focus on our life experiences rather than our need to maintain an overflowing home.

Valuing what you have can make a huge difference to the next generation. The smallest effort you make is a piece of the beautiful mosaic of a changing world.

My business & what I do

(in a nutshell) Upholstery, Soft Furnishings and Creativity Courses

How I met Niki and Marco

I am Marco’s sister

My favorite Curiously Connected Card, & what it says about me and my work

 I am Penguin. Standing for something bigger than myself – passionate about community

What I’d like to bring to the Kollective.

I bring my understanding of the preciousness of the world’s resources. Being part of a community that cherishes Mother Nature and brings people closer together.

I am making stunning one off pouches made of vintage up-cycled fabric for Kolimbri’s Curiously Connected Cards. Each one is unique and can be ordered online via the webshop

What helps me thrive.

I thrive chatting with people about their potential, encouraging their creativity, their imagination. I thrive in beautiful landscapes, or marveling at the delicate petals of the smallest flower in my garden.
I thrive knowing that I have touched lives, protected a resource, revived a beautiful object. I thrive knowing that my ancestors are looking at my work and smiling that I choose to cherish not discard the energy and love that went into producing something special.

More inspiration


Interconnectedness and Relational Being with Jon Freeman and Marcos Frangos

In this podcast about Relational Being, Marcos speaks to Jon Freeman, Director at Future Considerations, Personal and Organisational Developtment Consultant, Mentor and trainer.


Opening up and seeing things differently

What is it about walking and talking in nature that opens up new possibilities?

In this blog, Marcos’s GP client shares her experience and benefits from three coaching sessions in Nature.


Systemic Constellations: Revealing Unconscious Patterns

In constellations, everyone and everything has a right to belong. We don’t seek blame but aim to understand why things are the way they are. Recognising patterns can be an essential part of the releasing process. Constellations offer us the opportunity to free ourselves from limiting possibilities and even rewrite what’s possible.