

Deer card

I am Deer

I am a loving, magical and gentle being of the woodland, respecting all my fellow creatures. A universe of possibility opens in the split second that we hold one another’s gaze. I bring awareness of moving deliberately with kindness and grace through life.


Deer can teach us such valuable lessons of gentleness, humility and acting with grace and wisdom in life. Its beautiful eyes and gaze also hold an energy of childlike magic, innocence and wonder. Deer can help us embody unconditional love and trust in life.


Might your heart be ready to soften? Is it time to let painful situations and judgements rest? Imagine Deer with its intense and loving gaze inviting you to dare to love again, to love without conditions and to love who you are. If Deer crosses your path, consciously pause. Notice the beauty of each moment and tread with curiosity; deer might be inviting you to appreciate the beauty and grace of life.