
Curiously Connected Cards

Welcome to Kolimbri’s ‘Curiously Connected Cards’ where art, intuition and nature meet to create a stunning collection of cards – our wish is they take you and people you’re working with on a creative and inspiring journey. We believe we’re all interconnected with nature and with one another, and the Cards are a celebration of that interdependence and a tribute to the magic of the natural world. Niki’s deep passion for art, nature and people inspired her to create stunning paintings of animals that capture their essence and beauty. Marco’s drawings and systemic facilitation in nature to support growth brings an added dimension to the writing that accompanies the animals.

Curiously Connected Cards invite a journey of discovery, whether it’s a personal or organizational exploration and through the suggested practices, you can delve deeper into your intuition and explore the subtleties of what you’re curious about. There is no single “right” meaning or message with these cards – instead, let your context and possibilities reveal themselves. Just be curious, and explore Curiously Connected Cards.

If you’re looking for immediate inspiration, find Ostrich on the Homepage and click the green button Pick a Card of the Day

In the spirit of Small is Beautiful, we’ve self-published this limited edition collaborating with Dutch printers Drukkerij de Bij – all the materials have been produced as sustainably as possible for planet and people, that’s important to us. We know we can source printers elsewhere at a reduced costs, however sustainability in its many senses is pivotal to what we’re about. Drukkerij de Bij are a sincere family-run business, front runners in sustainable printing for two decades in the Netherlands, both in the printing process (using sustainable inks) and in their business operations (they’ve installed photovoltaic cells to power the print works). It’s a collaboration we’re proud of…

Wishing you lots of joy with the Cards!