

Stork card

I am Stork

Embodying Feminine wisdom, knowing and intuition, I help birth new things to life. Everything has its perfect time and place, and all is well. Once we’ve made our nest, our courtship rituals maintain our bond. Relax into the mystery, trusting that, like a chick hatching, you’ll know when it’s time to push through the shell. Your plan is already unfolding.


Stork brings the ability to go inwards, find tranquillity and still a busy mind. It can also teach us to fly higher and gain the perspective to see with greater clarity. Stork embodies Feminine qualities of hope, birth, a new phase or project and motherly love. When invited, Stork is a guardian of the hearth and sacred spaces of our homes.


Is there a birth or transition into something new in your life? Perhaps stepping back would allow a greater perspective. Tune into your inner senses and notice what your body is holding. Are you anxious, impatient or overly exerting your will?
Trusting might help things unfold with more Grace. Take time to be still, hold this transition in mind and heart and breathe gently, allowing your intuition to guide with its wisdom.