

Cicada card

I am Cicada

I communicate the great Alleluia of the present moment. My pulsating chorus is a   to trust in the rhythms of life and its mysterious timing. Patience, rather than forcing things to happen, allows the process of change, rebirth and life’s unfolding to manifest with greater ease.





Cicada has an unusual life cycle, some species spending several years underground as nymphs. When Cicada is ready to fly, it lives only long enough to reproduce and then dies. Cicada can help us trust in the timing of phases in life. Its rhythmic pulse reminds us of the importance of communication, but also serves as a symbol of change and rebirth.


Experiment with being still for a while, listening consciously more than speaking. Only speak or act when it feels necessary to do so, reflecting on what that’s like for you. Take some time over a cup of tea, and in those moments allow your intuition to guide you to someone you’d like to reach out to – perhaps there’s a story waiting to be shared.