

Hedgehog card

I am Hedgehog

Wise, curious, observant and connected. As I move, my soft underbelly is close to the ground and connects me to Mother Earth. My spines offer protection and a reminder of the sun’s rays. I hold the balance between sun and moon, day and night, activity and hibernation.


Hedgehog is a creature we could describe with the phrase “still waters run deep” – its apparent simplicity belies much depth. It can help you embody wisdom, curiosity and protection of your soft underbelly, particularly if you’re feeling vulnerable. Hedgehog can also help you to be ingenious and trust your intuition about challenging situations.


On the theme of balance, commit to a few practical steps to bring rest, work and play into better alignment in your life.

Sometimes the need for self-protection overrides our awareness to remain open and kind. Perhaps you’re being invited to trust that it’s ok to express more vulnerability. Hedgehog embodies both a soft underbelly and prickly spines, encouraging you to hold healthy boundaries.