

Tiger card

I am Tiger

Guardian of the forest, a master hunter, strong and noble, I embody raw strength and a wild nature. I use energy wisely, balancing inner and outer strength. Can you hold my gaze and sense the truth of your power?


Tiger blends wild strength and inner knowing, reminding us that power comes with responsibility. Tiger inspires inner knowing, stillness and poise, so we intuit when to be still and when to pounce on opportunities.


Take time to be still and follow your breath for several minutes as you hold the Tiger card. Know that as you do so, you can access your natural powers to support situations that might feel challenging. What do you most fear? Tiger stares with its penetrating gaze and invites you to consider: “What am I really scared of – what if I live my truth?” Commit to a few minutes every day to “stalk” your wishes, noticing how your body feels if you know you can’t possibly fail.