

Giraffe card

I am Giraffe

The gentle giant of the savannahs, I see far yet remain firm-footed in the ground of my being. I encourage you to be still and raise your thoughts to a higher level. I bring grace, strength and wisdom: there’s no need to be afraid, let your Heart be open and compassionate.


Giraffe has the largest heart of all land mammals; it can teach us to be more loving and focus on higher realms. Standing tall and seeing the big picture, Giraffe remains grounded with the strength, if needed, to act and protect the family. The kindness in Giraffe’s beautiful eyes inspires compassion, tenderness and love for all that is sacred.


Take a moment to be still and try this:
Extend your spine to its full length as you breathe in, feeling your feet firmly on the ground. Open up your chest slightly upwards and outwards, as if your heart is opening to the sky. Breathing long, smooth and steady breaths, picture each in-breath filling your heart with unconditional love, each out-breath releasing this love wherever it needs to flow. Imagine a sunshine-yellow colour entering each part of your body. Thank Giraffe, and go into the rest of your day, open and grateful for all the miracles of life.