

Bear card

I am Bear

I bring strength, vulnerability and protection.

I go gladly into the cave, the place of my Dreaming, and enjoy rest. Emerging once again, I live life with wonder, sniffing the air with curiosity to ask: “What’s possible today?”


Going ‘inward’ – into the womb of life and the cave. Taking time to rest deeply, to learn to slow down, and be aware of the seasons.
Self-nurturing, encouraging us to explore our more childlike qualities such as playfulness.
Going with wonder and curiosity into the silence.


Consciously take time, go inward and rest.
In your restful state, bring to mind an inner question, and allow it to just exist in your dreaming-state (as in hibernation). Let your inner question be. Trust what comes. And when you emerge, allow playful curiosity to guide this new phase of possibilities.