

Buzzard card

I am Buzzard

Broad-winged and free, I ride the thermals with ease, spiralling high to see the bigger picture. My keen sight enables expert hunting and I rarely miss my target.

When you hear my “keey- ya” call be still – my Spirit is calling out to you.


Buzzard gifts a sense of steadiness and far- sightedness as well as the ability to home in on the detail. Buzzard circling on the thermals may remind us of the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. From that vantage point Buzzard demonstrates that there’s always freedom of choice and the ability to make that choice wisely.


Rise above the situation you’re experiencing to achieve a sense of equanimity and detachment and to see things from a higher perspective. What do you notice? Perhaps Buzzard’s wisdom is saying it’s time to act with clarity and precision – or maybe it’s calling for you to see what it’s like to simply step back and witness events unfolding.