

Crab card

I am Crab

Resourceful and adaptable, I bring insight and can discern when it’s right to hide and side-step around a challenge or when to tackle it head-on. I can help with facing fears whilst remaining true to self.


Crab is linked to the South and the element of water and helps us navigate our emotions and trust our intuitive knowing. It can bring protection, wisdom and tenacity through challenges. Remember the phrase “strength of claw” – don’t give up on what you believe in.
Crab also reminds us of the moon’s cycles and the ebb and flow of Nature, as well as the need to honour our own rhythms and cycles.


Sink into your quietened mind and listen to your heart’s promptings. Is it time to change course? Perhaps your protective shell of well-worn habits, thoughts and feelings are preventing you from allowing a new opportunity to change your direction.
Maybe this situation calls for an unorthodox side- step, like Crab’s sideways movements. If a situation needs to be faced, let your deepest values guide your decisions with integrity.