

Dragonfly card

I am Dragonfly

Ancient being and master of transformation, I emerge as Dragonfly, yet my life starts in water. I hover, finding the stillness between moments. When needed, I change direction and move swiftly. I seek the pauses before action; from there comes the potential for great magic.


Dragonfly is an ancient creature, one of the oldest known insects. An underwater nymph in its early life cycle (water relating to emotions), it transforms into a beautiful aerial acrobat (air relating to wisdom). Dragonfly can help you access the courage to stay true to yourself; its unique flight reminds us to pause, rest and observe before moving. In some mythologies it is seen as a Messenger between worlds and a link to our Ancestors.


If you find yourself experiencing challenging emotions, perhaps you’re in a phase of transformation? Take time to be very still, deliberately slowing down your breathing. In these “hovering” moments, breathe in and out mindfully and allow for an expansion of possibilities with each breath. As you do so, try and picture or feel your Ancestors behind you, wishing the very best outcome for you. Choose one aspect of life to be grateful for, even if the next steps aren’t yet clear.