

Elephant card

I am Elephant

Ancient being of this planet, full of heart, wisdom and knowing. I walk the song lines that guide my kin to watering holes, travelling at a pace that allows for Grandmother and Granddaughter. All the generations matter.


Along with its enormous size and strength, Elephant demonstrates huge compassion and tenderness for the herd. It cares for the weakest and grieves those that have died, connecting to the Sacred Feminine in the way that it forms matriarchal relationships.
Elephant reminds us of the value of passing on wisdom and knowledge from generation to generation.


How might your wisdom, strength and compassion be valuable in supporting your family and friends? Elephant’s steadiness can guide your steps if you’re facing a significant challenge. Take one step at a time and be guided by your values. If life has become a little too serious, picture yourself as a young elephant having fun, enjoying life’s simple pleasures at a muddy watering hole!