

Fox card

I am Fox
Wild, opportunistic and adaptable. Observing everything with a sharp focus, I see without being seen and use my intelligence and wit to survive. Look into my eyes and feel my presence.


Fox’s adaptability and opportunism means it’s learned to thrive on almost every continent, in diverse environments from Arctic tundra to arid desert, as well as in our cities and woodlands. Its high-pitched barks are a reminder to stop and be utterly still. Moving swiftly and knowing every inch of its territory, Fox uses its wily intelligence to notice all the details of a situation.


Take time to survey a situation from all angles; imagine Fox stalking the issue and perhaps you’ll see opportunities that have hitherto been hidden. In what ways might you allow for greater diversity in life? Fox encourages you to embody paradox: can you hold serious intent one moment, playfulness the next; move quickly and also be utterly still; allow yourself to be both bold and shy? Maybe there’s an aspect of your wilder nature that’s calling for expression.