

Ostrich card

I am Ostrich

My message to you is do not run from the Truth. Look at the things that are hard to see, listen for the words that are not being spoken and enable the needs that are not being met. Run, hide and seek – use all your powers until a way forward is found.


Ostriches can’t fly, but they are the fastest birds on land; their strong legs can cover over 3 metres in a single stride. Whilst they may not actually bury their heads in the sand, as they stoop low it looks like Ostrich is searching for what’s under the surface. Its qualities can encourage us to seek diversity and balance through the expression of multiple perspectives.


If you’re bumping into negativity or the feeling that the truth (yours or others) is not being honoured, try a different approach. Is there something or someone that needs including? Can you dare to speak what is not being spoken and include those whose voices have been silent?