

Penquin card

I am Penguin

Living together as many, yet acting as one – proud, resilient and determined. In this way I have adapted to extreme conditions, knowing that we stand together. I invite you to consider: “What do you stand for that is bigger than yourself?”


Penguin teaches the power of the collective to survive even the toughest challenges, reminding us that “we” is more important than “I”. Taking it in turns to weather the worst of the storms at the outer edges of the huddle, then moving towards the centre to receive warmth, it embodies qualities of determination, discipline and integrity. Its black and white colouring reminds us of the balance of yin and yang and the Masculine and Feminine.


If life is feeling overwhelming, take small steps. Paradoxical as this may seem if you’re feeling challenged, consider what you can gift another who is in hardship. Look to your community; notice who nourishes you and how you might nourish in return. Perhaps there’s a collective Dream calling you.