

Raven card

I am Raven
A wise and magical shapeshifter that sees beyond and between worlds, I can help you understand different dimensions and realities in your life. Do not be afraid, I bring protection.


Raven is renowned for its intelligence; it’s one of the most adaptable birds in the ways it communicates and uses tools. It also teaches qualities of protection, transformation and trusting your intuition. In many mythologies Raven is a messenger connecting the Spirit with earthly realities. Look at the card and you see a Raven; turn the card 90 degrees – do you see a rabbit? This is Raven’s gift as a shapeshifter.


If Raven appears on your path, pause; it may be prompting you to look at a situation from a fresh perspective.
If the situation feels complex, fearful or stuck, Raven encourages you to use your ingenuity and intuition.