
Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle card

I am Sea Turtle

Born in the sand yet destined for the seas, I am life’s wanderer, with a gentle yet adventurous spirit. Come up for air when you need to, retreat into your shell to restore and gather energy.

Your Odyssey awaits!


Sea Turtle is a most gracious teacher: their patience and longevity help us be at greater ease with the long game of life, holding faith that our path unfolds as it needs to. Swimming the seas for over 110 million years, it is respected by many as an ancient being and wisdom-keeper connecting us to our Ancestors. It can help with protection, courage and perseverance.


Sea Turtle’s ancient wisdom can support your long-term dreams. What does your heart yearn to manifest? What will you dedicate yourself to, knowing the journey of discovery is as important as the destination? Turtle can help you heal wounding and traumas; their shell offers protection and their perseverance teaches endurance through our journeys of self-transformation.