

Seahorse card

I am Seahorse

I encourage you to use your intuition. My rainbow colours are a reminder of equality and the balance of giving and receiving. Call on me to bring steadiness in life. I will help you anchor your Spirit in turbulent times.


Seahorse is a magical creature that encourages us to really listen to and trust our intuition. It can help us connect to the wisdom of our Spirit and to qualities of loyalty and protection. The male Seahorse carries the female’s eggs in their tail pouch until the fry are born, so it can help deepen respect for fatherhood. Its tail anchors onto seaweed in rough waters, serving as a reminder that we can find steadiness even when life becomes turbulent.


Seahorse encourages you to re-examine your relationships. Is a better balance of giving and receiving called for? Perhaps you can find different ways to express your own needs as well as seeking to understand what’s important to the other. There’s a balance to be struck between going with the flow and anchoring yourself to what’s important in life: what might that look like for you?