

Snake card

I am Snake

I hold great power to transform and protect, shedding my skin as the new comes into being. You are part of a much greater whole – stay connected to Mother Earth. I can help with trusting the process of change, healing and transformation.


With its abilities to transmute and heal, Snake is respected as a powerful creature in many cultures. This card portrays Snake in one of its aspects, displaying its fangs to protect itself. Snake venom is paradoxically potent (even deadly) yet can be used medicinally. Moving on the earth, Snake reminds us to stay grounded. Snake can help us express more of our primal and instinctive life force.


Snake may be encouraging you to become more strongly connected to yourself through the changes you’re facing, even if that feels scary. Do some regular breathing practice or a slow mindful walk that supports you to stay grounded. Notice with self-compassion where you feel insecure and write about the change that’s come to your path, and what you’d like to manifest as you shed your old skin. Trust your instincts and senses, ancient parts of your inner knowing.