

Spider card

I am Spider

Grandmother Spider was the Cosmic Weaver who wove the first webs of life into reality. I bring the skill and patience to weave the web that will manifest your heart’s desire. Notice what kind of web you have been weaving; are there any disconnected threads, or webs of illusion that need to be destroyed?


Spider connects us to ancient Feminine wisdom. It is an ingenious creator and web-maker, helping us learn how to manifest our dreams. Mirror Spider may be holding up her mirrors to highlight illusions. Spider often eats its old silk web, reminding us of the cycles of endings and beginnings. Call Spider to mind to learn patience, and how to accept truths and undergo transformation.


Take time to reflect on what it is that you truly wish to manifest and how you will create the best possible conditions for this to come to fruition. Sometimes to birth something new, you need to let go of something old. Notice habits or beliefs that no longer serve you, put them down and create a new web of possibilities. Sometimes it is not what we lack that truly holds us back, it is the courage to stand in our true light.