

Heron card

I am Heron

I bring absolute stillness, and clarity and unwavering focus on when to dive to catch what is needed. Bridging ancestral memory from ancient times to this moment, I support connection to Ancestors. Call on me to help find the truths you seek.


Heron can help us find inner poise, stillness, focus and balance. Its graceful movements teach us to hold an intentional focus and to be mindful. Heron reminds us to reconnect with our ancestry and ancient wisdom, helping us to heal and transform situations through seeing with clarity.


Notice how long Heron waits and watches in stillness at the water’s edge before it suddenly darts to catch its prey. Are you being invited to notice something about a situation with greater clarity, mindfulness and patience before taking action? See if you can bring a different wisdom to the situation, detaching yourself from opinions and simply observing things as they truly are.